Why Spring Cleaning Your Yard is Important
How to Refresh your Yard after Winter: A Spring Cleanup Guide Winter can be harsh on our gardens and lawns, leaving them dull, damaged, and lifeless. But as spring arrives, we can take some steps to revive them and make them ready for the new season. In this spring cleanup guide, we will share some tips on how to refresh your yard after winter.
Check out 14 Steps to Spring Cleanup Here

Table of Contents
How to Nourish and Replenish Your Soil
Feed your Soil Your soil is the foundation of your garden, and it needs to be nourished and replenished after the winter. Winter can erode the soil, deplete its nutrients, and kill its beneficial microorganisms. To feed your soil, you can do the following:
- Add organic matter, such as compost, manure, or leaf mold, to your soil. This will improve its texture, water retention, and fertility. It will also introduce beneficial microorganisms that will help your plants thrive.
- Apply synthetic fertilizers, especially for fast-growing annuals, to give your plants a boost of nutrients. Synthetic fertilizers are more concentrated and quick-acting than organic matter, but they don’t improve the soil structure or biology.
- Re-mulch your garden beds, especially around the base of your plants. Mulch helps to conserve soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and prevent weeds. It also protects the roots of your plants from the sun and heat.
How to Restore and Revitalize Your Lawn
How to Mow and Overseed your Lawn: A Spring Cleanup Guide, Your lawn may look sad and soggy after the winter, but you can restore its green and lush appearance with some simple steps from this spring cleanup guide:
- Rake your lawn to remove any leaves, twigs, or debris that may have accumulated over the winter. These can suffocate your grass and prevent it from getting enough light and air. Raking also helps to aerate the soil and remove excess thatch.
- Mow your lawn when it reaches about 2 inches in height. Don’t cut more than one-third of the grass blade at a time, as this can stress the grass and expose the soil to the sun. Keep your mower blade sharp and clean to avoid tearing the grass and spreading diseases.
- Overseed your lawn if it looks thin or patchy. Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seeds over your existing lawn to fill in the gaps and create a thicker and healthier turf. Choose a grass seed that matches your existing lawn and the climate of your area.
Pruning Guidelines and Plant Replacement Ideas
Prune and Replace your Plants Pruning is an essential part of maintaining your plants’ health and appearance. Pruning helps to remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches, stimulate new growth, and shape your plants. However, pruning at the wrong time can harm your plants or reduce their flowering. Here are some general guidelines for pruning:
- Prune summer-flowering plants in early spring, before they start to produce new buds. These plants bloom on the current year’s growth, so pruning them in spring will encourage more flowers later in the season.
- Prune spring-flowering plants after they finish blooming, usually in late spring or early summer. These plants bloom on the previous year’s growth, so pruning them before they flower will reduce their display. Pruning them after they flower will allow them to store energy for the next year.
- Replace any plants that did not survive the winter. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, some plants may succumb to the cold, frost, or pests. If you notice any plants that are dead or dying, remove them from your garden and replace them with new ones. Choose plants that are suitable for your zone and soil conditions.
Dividing and Transplanting Tips for Healthy Perennials
Divide and Transplant your Perennials Perennials are plants that come back year after year, without needing to be replanted. However, over time, they can become overcrowded, weak, or less productive. To keep your perennials healthy and vigorous, you can divide and transplant them in spring. This will also help you multiply your plants and fill in any empty spaces in your garden. Here’s how to do it:
- Dig up the plant carefully, trying not to damage the roots. Use a sharp knife or spade to cut the root ball into two or more sections, making sure each section has some roots and shoots.
- Replant one section in the original spot, and transplant the others to new locations. Make sure the new spots have similar light, soil, and moisture conditions as the original spot. Water the plants well and apply some mulch around them.
When to Start Spring Cleanup in Calgary
According to some local landscaping experts12, the best time to start spring cleanup in Calgary is usually from mid-April to mid-May, depending on the weather conditions. You want to wait until the snow has melted, the ground has thawed, and the temperatures are consistently above zero. This will ensure that your lawn and garden are ready for the tasks of raking, mowing, fertilizing, pruning, and planting.
However, the weather can vary greatly from year to year, so you need to be flexible and watch for signs of spring in your yard. Some indicators that your yard is ready for spring cleanup are:
- Your grass is starting to grow and turn green
- Your perennials are showing signs of new growth
- Your trees and shrubs are starting to bud
- Your soil is moist but not soggy
If you see these signs, you can start your spring cleanup gradually, working on one section at a time. However, if the weather changes and there is a frost or snowfall, you may need to pause your spring cleanup and cover your plants until the weather improves.
You can also check the City of Calgary’s website3 for the schedule of the community cleanups, which are events where the City provides free disposal services for household items and yard waste. These events occur on Saturdays and Sundays throughout Calgary, from April 27 to June 30. You can use these events to get rid of any unwanted items or debris from your spring cleanup.
Spring cleanup is an important and rewarding task for any gardener, but it requires some planning and patience. By following this guide, you can start your spring cleanup in Calgary at the right time and enjoy a beautiful and healthy yard for the rest of the season.